Thursday, 20 February 2025

New Energy Performance regulations for Scotland

The Scottish government has announced plans to introduce new Energy Performance regulations in the Scottish Parliament during 2025 to come into force in 2026.

These reforms include:

·       adopting a new Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating system for domestic buildings, which will give clearer information on the fabric energy efficiency of a property; the emissions, efficiency and running costs of its heating system; and the cost of energy to run the home to standardised conditions;

·       adopting a redesigned EPC certificate;

·      reduction of the validity period of EPCs from 10 to five years to ensure consumers have more up-to-date information.

The government still intends to introduce another piece of legislation this year; a Heat in Buildings Bill, which is expected to introduce the following requirements:

-    for private rented sector properties to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard by 2028 (owner-occupied properties will need to meet the same standard by 2033);

-    for properties in all tenures to have ended their use of polluting heating by 2045.

If you are thinking of refurbishing your property you should consider these proposals and try and include them in your works.  We can help you.  Contact us if you would like further details.


Friday, 31 January 2025

Scottish Restrictions on Rent Controls To be Removed


The Scottish Government recently announced that it will be removing the restrictions on rent increases for residential tenancies at the end of March.

From 1st of April 2025, landlords will no longer be restricted on the level of rent they can propose in a rent increase notice to their tenants.  Any new rent would take effect 3 months later from 1st of July.

Tenants will still have the right to appeal the rent to a rent officer or tribunal if they feel that the rent is higher than the market rent.  Any appeal would result in the rent being set at the open market rental value, even if that is higher than the landlord had proposed.

The Scottish Government is still intending to introduce permanent rent controls in the future, and there is a Housing Bill going through parliament at the moment to bring these into force. For more information on this see our blog

It is unlikely that any rent controls introduced through this new legislation would come into force before 2027.